The Amerindians

The first inhabitants probably migrated from Venezuela around 2500 BC

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Peter Stuyvesant

Director of the Dutch West India Company's colony of Curaçao from 1642 to 1644.

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Pedro Luis Brión

A Curaçao-born Venezuelan admiral.

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An independence fighter for the emancipation of the people

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"Bam Bam"

The first major leaguer to come from Curaçao

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Experience the modern & ancient historic past events, people and governments of Curaçao Experience the history of Curaçao
  • PreHistoric Period < 1499
  • Spanish Colonial Period 1499 - 1634
  • Dutch Colonial Period till Great Slave Revolt 1634 - 1795
  • Slave Revolt - Emancipation 1795 - 1863
  • Abolition of slavery - arrival of Shell oil company 1863 - 1918
  • Shell - end Colonial Period 1918 - 1954
  • Netherlands Antilles 1954 - 1969
  • Revolt May 69 - Status Aparte Aruba 1969 - 1986
  • Aruba's Status Aparte - end Neth. Antilles 1985 - 2010
  • Pais Kòrsou 2010 - Nowadays
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PreHistoric Period
< 1499
Spanish Colonial Period
1499 - 1634
Dutch Colonial Period till Great Slave Revolt
1634 - 1795

After persistent crop failures had forced the Dutch WIC to abandon its agricultural program in Curaçao in the second half of the seventeenth century, the land was distributed to private individuals. Company employees, in particular, seized this opportunity to become landed gentry. The earliest houses were situated close to town, but gradually they spread across the island. They were large mansions, generally on a raised terrace, and were surrounded by lower dwellings for the staff and slaves. The entire complex was surrounded by low walls of coral-stone.

Slave Revolt - Emancipation
1795 - 1863
Abolition of slavery - arrival of Shell oil company
1863 - 1918
Shell - end Colonial Period
1918 - 1954
Netherlands Antilles
1954 - 1969
Revolt May 69 - Status Aparte Aruba
1969 - 1986
Aruba's Status Aparte - end Neth. Antilles
1985 - 2010
Pais Kòrsou
2010 - Nowadays