In 1923, two American seaplanes landed in “Schottegat”, the natural harbor of Curaçao. They are known as the first aircrafts that landed in Curaçao.
These were to serve as beacons and mooring sites for seaplanes. SCADTA bought two islands to build airport facilities. Dams connected the islands to the coast.
After the construction of a 700 meter airstrip at the Hato Plantation in 1928, SCADTA stopped its activities.
The Hato airstrip was used only once in 1932 and not once in 1933. KLM started its flights to Curaçao with the “Snip” in 1934. A demonstration flight of Duchman G.W. Schrijns between Aruba and Curaçao ended in a loss of occupants and aircraft on October, 17, 1931.
Olie als Water - J. van Soest